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Temple Of Sound


KIKI Records
KK-0010 | 2019-10-01  
TEMPLE OF SOUND is a compilation of songs that I have made from 2018-2019. Four tracks are relatively new, with ARISE initially heard on SoundCloud in 2018. KEEP ON WALKIN' HOME and HERE IT COMES debuted on SoundCloud in 2019. UNIVERSAL is a brand new track exclusive to this EP.

First and foremost, I would like to thank GOD for giving me the talent of producing and for guiding my productions.
Secondly, a BIG thanks to label owner and manager MIKE MUCCI for all his hard work and dedication to the project. I'd also like to thank "CIP" for helping me name UNIVERSAL. A BIG thanks to my family, friends and relatives who gave me the enthusiasm I needed to complete the album and to all those that have bought my previous works - THANK YOU!

As a bonus, I've included a little gift at the following OneDrive link - be sure to download it!

OneDrive Link:!An6EU7YP9m0iiPNpEpkTKs06_0b0Gg?e=5c6upa

*If OneDrive link does not work, please go to for updated link.

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