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SF061 | 2022-04-22  
Calypse is an Italian female duo that are next up on SUPERFETT RECORDS with a pair of firing new house cuts designed to blow up the dance floor. They have already made hits on the likes of Nervous Records, Lapsus Music, Flashmob Records and come correct again here on top form!Opener Talk About Love is a super fresh home cut with big diva vocals. They soar up to the heavens, with elastic and bombastic bass down low and big, incendiary hi hats. It's a perfect coming together of heart, soul and heaviness. Angie then brings another superb vocal over the top of chunky house drums. The seductive vocal marries perfectly with the driving drums to make for a swat inducing, hands in the air house tune.This is another mighty EP from SUPERFETT.Distributed by Label Engine -
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