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Oro Negro (Black Gold) - Juan Laya & Jorge Montiel Rework


IMAGENES140 | 2023-07-28  
In Venezuelan history, it is said that once upon the time when the "Conquistador" arrived for first time to South America, confusedly thought that he had arrived to the kingdom of "El Dorado & The Amazonas", which according the myth were supposed to be a secret kingdoms with unlimited resources of gold hidden in the depths of the "new world".
Well, today a few centuries after that trip, we could say that somehow the myth did actually prove to be real, but with the slight difference that the Gold on this story wasn't really Golden, this was a new form of gold, which Spiteri describes on his last ever written song as: Black Gold (Oro Negro), Oil...
Jorge Spiteri - Bass Guitar, Vocals & song writting.
Juan Pulia - Piano & Lead Vocal.
Savona - Bv's
Stephanie Mair: Flute
Elio Torres - Double Bass
Juan Laya - Drums
Grupo Madera - Percussion
Raphael Delfino: Guitar
Produced by Juan Laya & Jorge Montiel
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