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MusiQ Monks

MusiQ Monks Recordings
MM0001 | 2023-12-08  
This release is intended to be our upcoming album - titled "Astrology". We focusing on associating our music with astrological phenomenon. By doing so, we want to create a sense of personal identification of our music to our listeners. The name originated as we discovered, the Zodiac has twelve houses and twelve signs and there are also twelve notes in the musical octave.

Linking the chromatic musical scale to the Zodiac houses has been the object of curiosity, speculation and serious research by creative minds like the one of Sir Isaac Newton and other geniuses over the centuries. Today, many holistic healers -specially sound healers uses one of their tools, a correlation chart that links indeed each of the 12 zodiac signs to a specific musical note, which is interpreted as a sort of vibrational key signature of the respective signs.

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