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The Groove Quest Vol.1

Various Artists

Diggin' Records
DG004 | 2024-02-23  
Diggin' Records is proud to announce the launch of an electrifying compilation featuring a diverse roster of up-and-coming artists. The compilation is set to redefine the boundaries of electronic music, placing the emphasis on the pursuit of the groove and the celebration of unique musical expression.

In an industry often dominated by size and status, Diggin' Records takes a bold stance by declaring it's commitment to prioritizing good music, the groove, and the individuality of each artist. The label believes in the power of authenticity and aims to showcase emerging talents who are on a quest to discover and deliver the ultimate groove.

The debut compilation, featuring an ensemble of talented artists, is a testament to Diggin' Records' dedication to fostering creativity and supporting up-and-coming musicians. Each track is a sonic journey, a testament to the label's vision of celebrating the artistry that transcends the boundaries of genre and conventional norms.
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