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What's Wrong With Groovin

Various Artists

JMANCD004D | 2009-01-01  
- We started our 7' reissue series a few years back with one thing in mind; to make the rarest, most obscure and grooviest records available to all on beautiful 7' vinyl. Many of the recordings chosen were little known by music lovers but were so good that they deserved to be heard by the many people with an ear for the good stuff living around the world. This idea still stands to this day, and we continue to seek out great music that has long since been forgotten or has proved very difficult to find in the original format.Now our Jazzman 7' releases themselves have proven hard to locate by some, and have proved useless to those who do not own a turntable, so now the time has come to make some of the best cuts available on CD for the first time. This CD chronicles the first 10 releases, and includes the elusive first Jazzman 7', now long out of print, 'Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child' by Kathleen Emery. As the first release on the label, we had to make sure it was a good one - it can't have been a bad choice as demand for the record continues to this day.

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