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Born in Maassluis, the Netherlands , Alex has had a great passion for music from a young age.

In the early nineties, EDM got the upper hand and despite the time when it was said that this music movement would not hold out, Alex remained stuck to this and under the influence of Labels like "Suck Me Plasma, Bonzai, Hooj Choons, Wash" Alex visited clubs regularly to let go completely on this music. This went on until the age of 28.

When he got married and had children, the clubs and festivals came to a low point but his love for the EDM remained.

After obtaining a certificate for EDM producer at the S.A.E in Rotterdam, Alex himself started to try to produce his great love. Then Alex started looking for more help in producing EDM and came into contact with Julian Wolters (Julian Black) and his school Dutch DJ World. After following some private lessons (still), Alex has made great progress in producing his own music and he gets his first release on Dutch DJ World Records so he can now share his passion with the rest of the world and he hopes for rapid further growth so that his music grows as well.

His first track 'Away' is signed at Dutch Dj World Records and was released on the 25th of January 2019.

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