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Fred Monk, originally from Newcastle within the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, has
decided to currently reside in Johannesburg in order to master his skill in music.
He has started producing and playing with different eccentric sounds in 2012. He
realised he has a deep passion for underground music and decided to expand his
skillset including deejaying in 2014. He immediately fell in love with music at a very young aged and later on became fascinated in producing sound that is deep, dark and undertoned with chords and bass. His sound has then been resonated in the dark deep vibe of seep house and deep techno. His a young talented man of few words yet strong sound as an understatement. He encapsulates his listeners with his bereavement and technique sound. With this said, he has made his debut on DeepStitched Records with his EP release Down Low State. He has also been profoundly signed as an exclusive artist to Do it Now Recordings and DeepStitched Records. His new home within the music industry blankets his professional career to broaden his production on other record labels.His worked with a lot of talented producers, both locally and internationally and by so doing so his excelled in his practice by learning different forms under experience to boost skills and mix genres. As a producer, he feels that his influenced by others that are not just in house music but that are on same levels within the misic industry as a whole. His constant rotation through an unorthodox structure of producing music assists him to a path of flexibility and recognition. His trajectory leads away from mainstream music to a more senior competitive audience that appreciates underlying indie inspired sound. This foundation reaches out to unserved community listeners with the appreciation for the artist transitions and dimensional structure of sound.

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